The applicant must be at least 18 years to apply for light vehicle licence and 21 years for heavy/equipment vehicle.
Students who do not possess any driving license are considered as "Beginner" and thus have to register for Full Course to get Qatar driving license. Students possessing their country's license are eligible for Half Course.
An approval from the MOI Traffic Department is required for half course and for foreign licenses holders. We have a section of Department of License Affairs in Doha Driving Academy's premises; you can complete this procedure here(from Sunday to Wednesday - 7:00 am to 11:30 am, and ladies must visit them of Thursdays)
Students can register for either Automatic or Manual gear transmission for their car driving license. However, please note that Automatic license holders are not allowed to drive a Manual gear vehicle.
People who have opened any driving file before with other driving schools should transfer their file. For more information please call 44792263/44792264
Please verify the Profession mentioned on your QID to clarify the eligibility to apply for driving license, please download and see the list from here.
Before performing the Eye-test make sure the following, if you are wearing eyeglasses/contact lenses, then your photographs should have glasses/lenses. The working hours of eye-test center in Academy is from 7:00 am to 12:00 pm & 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm (Saturday to Thursday)
The student must carry their access card at all times during the training.
Absence of scheduled training will be deducted from your allotted training schedule.
Learning permit is valid for only 3 months, renewal charges are QAR 150.
You must submit a Request Letter to Change of Practical Training Time and it is subject for approval by the Manager.
Bribery or any kind of gifts are not allowed directly or indirectly.
Existing student? Query related to training schedule? Call schedule section on 44784798 (7am to 1pm & 3pm to 9pm)